All That and a Bag of Chips

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Partner & Chief Creative Officer
Aug 9, 2010

In the beginning, was an informative website full of useful information about promoting healthcare professions in Missouri, helping people find schools, scholarships and places to work. Now, the newly rebranded is… still all of those things—it’s just way, way more fun! To better connect with one of the core demographics (high schoolers), Integrity rebuilt the entire website from the ground up, tweaking language to make it more conversational and approachable, updating user flows to ensure they were simple and easy to navigation and overhauling the design to appeal to a more youthful audience. Mission accomplished.

The big business question we had to answer was, “What will get people interested in healthcare?” The answer was giving them a quick, entertaining glimpse into key elements of different healthcare jobs (money, how much gore is involved, how long are you in school, etc). We accomplished this by turning all that data into an “infographic” (yes, that’s a real term, or at least it should be).

While we were at it, we added an interactive hospital and college map, a blog featuring real life success stories from healthcare professionals and the centerpiece of the new site, an interactive flash quiz designed to help you identify which healthcare career is best suited for you. Go ahead and take it. You know you want to.

So basically, we transformed the site from a manila envelope into a bedazzled trapper keeper. A really, really rockin’ trapper keeper.

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