Client Success

Improving App Usability With Washington University’s Xnat Team

June 6, 2020

We might not be brain surgeons here at Integrity, but we are pretty damn good at what we do on the web. In this case, what we did was create a user friendly, organized framework for medical software engineers on XNAT to release software on.

XNAT – short for extensible neuroimaging archive toolkit – is an open-source archiving platform developed by the Neuroinformatics Research Group at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In vastly simplified terms, it’s kind of like WordPress for medical research – mostly of the neurological variety.

The ongoing XNAT software project, which started in 2004, has become a popular platform for storing and using neuroimaging data for research facilities all over the world.

In addition to updating the overall design and usability of XNAT, our backend developers created an interactive guide of commonly used code snippets so that any outside developer can use the system with as much ease as our pros.

Though our updates to XNAT won’t roll out until early next year at the earliest, Integrity’s user interface designers and backend developers were proud to work on a project that can potentially help millions of doctors, patients and fellow developers.