How does Facebook relate to senior sales? Well, it doesn't exactly. But, we're using the same JavaScript Library that powers your Facebook newsfeed to power the new and improved Sherpa senior sales management dashboard.
When Sherpa launched in 2013, they rocked the senior sales management community with their awesome product. It is easy to use, has in-depth reporting features and helps sales associates focus on families. You could say they're leading the way to success in senior housing communities.
Since their launch, they've grown by leaps and bounds, and their web application has been growing with them. New features are constantly in development and that's not likely to stop any time soon. So, the Sherpa team tapped their partner in If you need a team to build or improve your web application, we can lead the way. Contact us today!
Just as a person's health is critical for their overall well-being and performance, a website's health is vital for a business to function optimally in a digital-centric society. But what exactly does site health entail, and why is it so essential?