Web content writers of the world, have you ever struggled with starting a blog? Had trouble creatively expanding on some SEO topics? Have you ever committed to writing more blogs in a day than any human actually could? We understand, but have no fear, Scribble is here! Scribble is an AI powered tool built for Integrity’s internal marketing team, by Integrity’s development team, to reduce blog ideation and creation time by 80% or more.
While St Louis digital marketing agencies like Integrity have loved it, really any team responsible for maintaining a blog would find this useful. Any writer tasked with maintaining a blog calendar knows what kind of a slog it can become, and assistants like Scribble make a big difference.
To solve our blog problem, we used a couple different AI platforms to produce the outcome we were looking for. Our engineering team is constantly testing new ones, so as new and better platforms emerge, the underlying technology that powers Scribble will probably change over time.
Sit back, relax, and let Scribble write the draft. Scribble automatically researches topics, formulates ideas, and even optimizes your blogs for search engine rankings! Simply provide a title, a few keywords related to your topic, and boom, Scribble presents you a fully written article within minutes. Plus, it comes with built-in tools like spell check and grammar correction to make sure your final product is error free.
Not only does Scribble produce efficient writing, but also boosts search engine visibility for blogs by optimizing titles, descriptions, headings and more for top results on major search engines such as Google or Bing. Now, more readers can discover your posts faster than ever before, saving you time analyzing SEMrush keyword analytics and strategizing how to optimize your content to rank higher on Google.
Integrity makes products for clients all around the world, but sometimes we make things for ourselves. In those cases, we are free to share what we made to help others with similar tasks. Integrity is built on a culture of partnership, transparency and sharing, so when we have a chance to productize one of our tools for others, it's a lot of fun.
Feel free to check out how Scribble can help your creative writing process! As an Integrity content strategist who is responsible for not one, but many blog content programs, Scribble is my sidekick in content efficiency. Giving a title and a few keywords generates an awesome draft that saves time and research for my writing process.
Any topic big or small, Scribble is great at giving an organized blog draft with interesting content to keep your readers enticed all while optimizing your content for SEO. I can’t think of blog writing without the help of my trusty friend, Scribble!
Wherever there is task repetition, you will find an Integrity engineer wondering how that workflow can be augmented or automated - it's just how we work. Keep an eye out for new Integrity tools as we continue to make the world more amazing with well designed technology.
Just as a person's health is critical for their overall well-being and performance, a website's health is vital for a business to function optimally in a digital-centric society. But what exactly does site health entail, and why is it so essential?