
Integrity to Develop WordPress-Powered Sites for St. Louis Music Venues the Pageant & Delmar Hall

June 6, 2020

As the Loop’s premier web partner – and as avid music fans – we’re super excited to announce that we’ll be developing custom, responsive WordPress experiences for the neighborhood’s concert and music venues.

Now is the perfect time to upgrade and elevate the websites for The Pageant and the new Delmar Hall, considering we’ve already crafted modern experiences for several other Loop neighbors. We’ve leveraged our expertise in user-centered design and web development for the Moonrise Hotel, Peacock Loop Diner, Visit the Loop and Blueberry Hill websites!

As residents of one of the greatest streets in America, we’re always excited to improve the digital version of the Loop. The Pageant site is especially exciting—it’s a major landmark in the St. Louis music scene, frequented by all the music lovers at Integrity.

The Pageant was built from the ground up to have optimal sight lines and exceptional acoustics. It has the capacity to hold over 2,000 screaming fans, all able to hear every note with a great view. This is why it’s considered one of the top concert venues in the nation.

With the attention to detail put into the venue itself, it only makes sense the website be built to match the exact needs of the business, fans and musicians. Integrity is excited to have a chance to explore the needs and goals of these critical users and determine the architecture and features necessary to produce a world class user experience.

We’re always technology agnostic when it comes to a new project, and only choose the best technology for the specific job. In this case, we were able to determine that an enterprise WordPress CMS was the perfect fit. It’s a free-to-use, open source CMS (so we can change the code as needed) and it’s incredibly powerful and easy to use.

“The Pageant is an impressive cultural hub in St. Louis and the Loop,” says Integrity Partner and Chief Creative Officer Ed Morrissey. “We’re looking forward to giving it the web presence it deserves.”

Need help making your website as awesome as your business? Give us a call.

Photo: Sean Davis (Creative Commons License)